
2017-11-13 15:46:16 0人评论 次浏览 分类:通知公告 收藏本文







9:00 - 9:40    成立仪式及揭牌


1. 校领导致辞

2. 院领导致辞

3. 嘉宾代表致辞

4. 中心主任何先友教授介绍中心基本情况

5. 揭牌

9:40 - 10:10  合影和茶歇

10:10 - 11:40  主旨演讲(90 minutes



题目:Understanding the Language-Learning Brain with   Cyber-Enabled and Computational Methods

12:00 - 13:00  午餐




14:30 - 15:50    主旨演讲(80 minutes


演讲者:Carol A. Seger教授(科罗拉多州立大学

题目:The   Challenge of Generalization for the Learning Sciences:Insights from Neural   Systems

15:50 - 16:10  茶歇

16:10 - 17:30    主旨演讲(80 minutes



题目:Language Learning in   3D Virtual Worlds: from Theory to Practice

18:00 - 19:30  晚餐



1.      Understanding the Language-Learning Brain with Cyber-Enabled and Computational Methods

SpeakerPing Li

AbstractHow does the learning of a new language in adulthood lead to brain changes when the brain is already committed to one’s native language? A major research question in the past has been how specific linguistic experience shapes brain function and structure, but little work has focused on cyber-enabled language learning and the impact it brings upon the mind and the brain. Using data-driven analytics we examine not only how second language experience induces functional and neuroanatomical changes, but also whether these changes can occur as a function of learning contexts and how cyber-enabled methods can bring about positive changes in different learners. New research in my lab also attempts to understand the relationship between language learning and spatial learning, and how executive functions and spatial abilities impact learning performance and success. Our work integrates computational modeling and data-intensive brain science, and addresses important questions about neuroplasticity, individual differences, and knowledge representation.


2.      The Challenge of Generalization for the Learning Sciences: Insights from Neural Systems.

SpeakerCarol A. Seger

AbstractFor learning and education to be effective, it is important that students be able to transfer their knowledge to new problems and contexts.  However, it is equally importa nt that knowledge not be overextended to where it is not relevant. In my talk I will discuss how my collaborators and I have approached this challenge of generalization and recent insights we have gained into the neural systems underlying generalization. Our studies combine functional MRI, behavioral category learning tasks, and computational modeling. In our first study, we examined how subjects generalize knowledge to novel stimuli and identified separate systems underlying generalization of knowledge (basal ganglia, visual cortexes, and the intraparietal sulcus) and resolving conflict between category membership (inferior frontal – anterior cingulate salience network). In a second study we first established that subjects can learn and apply different categorization rules to the same set of stimuli. We then identified widespread neural networks that were sensitive to these categorization rules. Most notably, we found that visual perceptual regions coded for the decision criteria as well as for perceptual similarity. Finally, in a third study, we examined how generalization to new stimuli interacted with processing potential rewards that could be earned by making correct decisions. We identified regions such as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex that were involved in integrating categorization with reward processing. Overall our studies reveal the widespread neural systems that are recruited by subjects when faced with the challenge of generalization.


3.      Language Learning in 3D Virtual Worlds: from Theory to Practice


AbstractBased on the sociocultural theory of second language acquisition (SLA), a meaningful language must be learned in conjunction with society, culture and personally relevant life experiences. However, to provide second/foreign language (L2/FL) learners with authentic and meaningful contexts for enhancing SLA has always been a huge challenge for L2/FL teachers. Fortunately, thanks to the rapid advances in and the increasing popularity of wireless communication and multimedia environments, language learning in a virtual reality (VR) environment has received considerable attention in the past few years. This talk will first depict the connection between SLA hypothesis/learning theories and the unique features of 3D virtual worlds. We believe that successful SLA involves the information processing theory and the sociocultural theory. Next, a series of studies carried by NTNU TELL Lab working with different universities in Australia and the U.S.A. and elementary schools in Taiwan will be reviewed. Through this talk, many other relevant issues will be also raised for future research, such as learning in different contexts, studying abroad, language education for immigrants, human brain, etc.




宾夕法尼亚州立大学心理学、语言学、信息科学与技术等专业终身教授, 美国白宫脑计划美国科学基金会科研课题首席科学家 。北京大学学士,马克斯普朗克研究所心理语言学硕士, 荷兰莱顿大学博士。 毕业后在加州大学圣地亚哥分校的语言研究中心和McDonald Pew认知神经科学中心进行博士后研究。 1992年至1996年期间担任香港中文大学助理教授, 2004年担任美国里士满大学心理学和认知科学教授。目前他是宾夕法尼亚州立大学脑、行为、认知中心联合主任,计算科学研究院副主任, Journal of Neurolinguistics主编,Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences副主编。他曾担任Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 的主编 (2003-2013), Society for Computers in Psychology的主席(2012)及美国国家科学基金会的认知神经科学计划和感知、行为和认知计划的主任(2007-2009)。 李平在心理语言学,语言习得,计算机模型及双语的认知神经机制等领域出版了大量的研究专著及150>篇学术论文。有关李平教授研究的更多信息请点击http://blclab.org/.

Carol A. Seger教授



国立台湾师范大学华语文教学系特聘教授。任教于大学之前,曾在台湾两所小学担任教师长达20年。由于热爱语言学习及与学生们一起活动并协助他们学习,她的研究焦点即为帮助各种语言的学习者在各式的学习环境下学习语言,满足学习者个别化的学习需求。篮教授的研究领域涵盖在线同步师资培训与如何有效利用行动学习和虚拟情境提升语言学习者的语言能力与学习动机。自2006年起,她研发了多项语言学习平台,并在台湾、美国、新加坡、与澳洲等国家多所学校进行了实征研究,研究结果获得高度评价,也发表在多本知名SSCI期刊,包括Language Learning & Technology, Computers & Education, Educational Technology & Society, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 以及Educational Technology Research & Development等。更多关于篮玉如教授之信息请参阅http://tell.tcsl. ntnu.edu.tw /index. php ? inter= people & did=42.