
  • 姓名:范方
  • 学历:博 士
  • 职称:教授
  • 职务:365bet国际娱乐副院长,广东省珠江学者特聘教授
  • 研究方向:情绪和行为问题的机制和预防干预、心理弹性的机制和发展、应激心理与创伤修复 、睡眠与心身健康、心理测评与心理素质提升
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱:fangfan@scnu.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址:365bet国际娱乐(510631)
  • 个人主页:

范方,男,湖南隆回人。心理学博士,365bet国际娱乐教授,博士生导师,广东省珠江学者特聘教授。广东省政府和广州市政府应急管理专家,中国心理卫生协会理事、中国心理学会临床与咨询专业委员会理事,湖南省母亲教育工程特聘专家,湖南省高等学校青年骨干教师,广东省高等学校“千百十人才工程”国家级(十)人选。专业领域为应用心理学,主要关注情绪和行为问题的机制和预防干预、心理弹性机制和发展、应激心理与创伤修复、睡眠与心身健康、心理测评与心理素质提升。近年主持和主持完成国家自然科学基金4项、教育部和广东省课题6项。近年在Psychological Medicine, International Journal Epidemiology,J. Clinical Psychiatry, SPPE,J. Traumatic Stress,心理学报 等刊物发表论文70余篇,多项报告和技术成果被省级政府和军队采用。中文论文他引次数连续列全国心理学科前20名。近5年连续获“国际青少年研究学会”(SRA)和“国际儿童发展研究会(SRCD)国际学者基金,资助其研究生团队21人次赴美国和加拿大交流(2010-2015) 。有关成果近年获“广东省哲学社会科学成果一等奖”、“教育部科技进步二等奖”、“中华医学科技进步三等奖”、“湖南省医学科技进步一等奖”、“第五届中国科协学术论文二等奖”等奖项。


2001.7-2004.7  华东师范大学学习,获应用心理学硕士学位

2005.9-2008.5  中南大学湘雅医学院学习, 获应用心理学(临床方向)博士学位

2007.5-2008.5  美国匹兹堡大学精神卫生研究中心(Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic)合作研究

2008.5-2008.9  美国阿勒格尼医院青少年心理创伤研究中心(Allegheny General Hospital's Center for Traumatic Stress)、兰德公司创伤心理研究中心访学


1989.7-1997.2  湖南隆回 中学教师

1997.2-2005.7  邵阳学院讲师、副教授,任教育科学教研室主任、心理健康研究中心主任

2005.7-2007.5  中南大学湘雅二医院心理咨询师

2008.9-今     365bet国际娱乐副教授、教授,副院长





中国心理卫生杂志编委、华南师范大学学报(理科)编委、心理学报、心理科学等审稿人,J. Clinical Psychiatry, J. Traumatic Stress, Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, J. Research Adolescent, Plos ONE等20余种国际期刊审稿人



Brief Introduction

Fang Fan is a Professor of Psychology at the South China Normal University (Guang Zhou, China). He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology from the East China Normal University (Shanghai, China) and Central South University (Changsha, China) respectively. He had studied as a visiting scholar in the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA). His primary areas of expertise are developmental psychology and clinical psychology. He is particularly interested in positive psychology and psychological therapy. His research has included studies of traumatic Stress and intervention; epidemiology of mental health: prevalence, risk and protective factors in children and adolescents, especially the Left-Behind Children and the survival children of disasters; interplay of genetic and environmental factors on psychological resilience and mental health; design and evaluation of clinical trials and intervention programs; global health/cross-cultural studies of mental health and psychological development. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation of China. Current research encompasses traumatic stress and resilience, psychological development of Left-behind Children. Recently, Dr. Fan is bending himself to a longitudinal study of traumatic stress and resilience of the survivals of the Wenchuan earthquake

代表性英文论文(*通讯作者)Selected Publications in English(* Correspondence Author)


1. Fan F*, Zhou Y, Mo L, Zhang W, Xie J, Liu X. Cohort Profile: The Wenchuan Earthquake Adolescent Health Cohort Study. International Journal of Epidemiology.2016.4 online, DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyw013. (SSCI影响因子9.18

2.Fan F*, Long K, Zhou Y, Zheng Y, Liu X. Longitudinal trajectories of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among adolescents after the Wenchuan earthquake in China. Psychological Medicine. 2015;45:2885-2896.SSCI5年影响因子6.34

3.Geng FL, Fan F*, Yang Y.Y, Liu X.C,Mo L Sleep Problems among Adolescent Survivors Following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in China: A Cohort Study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2013,741):67-76  (SSCI 5年影响因子5.82)

4. Fan F., Zhou Y., Liu XL*., Sleep Disturbance Predicts Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depressive Symptoms: A Cohort Study of Chinese Adolescents.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 2016 Aug 30. doi: 10.4088/JCP.15m10206. [Epub ahead of print](SSCI5年影响因子5.944)

5.Shi X, Yu NX, Zhou Y, Geng F, Fan F*. Depressive symptoms and associated psychosocial factors among adolescent survivors 30 months after 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: A follow-up study. Frontiers in Psychology. 2016;7:1-8. (SCI/SSCI5年影响因子3.04)

6.Qin Y, Zhou Y, Fan F*, Chen S, Huang R, Cai R, Peng T. Developmental trajectories and predictors of prosocial behavior among adolescents exposed to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2016;29:80-87. (SCI/SSCI5年影响因子3.30)

7.Fang Fan*,Ying Zhang,Yanyun Yang, Lei Mo. Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorders, Depression, and Anxiety Symptoms among Adolescents following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in China, Journal of Traumatic Stress, 2011,241),44-53 (SSCI5年影响因子3.30)

8.Fan F, Su LY, Birmaher B, Gill M. Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Chinese Left-behind Children. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 2010455, 655-664 (SSCI/SCI3年影响因子 3.08)

8.Yuhong ZHENG, Fang FAN*,  Xianchen LIU , Lei MO. Life Events, Coping, and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Chinese Adolescents Exposed to 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China, PloS ONE, 201271 e29404 (SCI5年影响因子4.2)

9.Wumei Liu, Fang Fan*, Jianghong Liu. Depressive Symptoms in Bereaved Parents in the 2008 Wenchuan, China Earthquake: A Cohort Study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 2013,26(2)274-279(SSCI5年影响因子3.30)

10. YanYe,Fang Fan*,LingyanLi,Qingguo Han.Trajectory and predictors of depressive symptoms among adolescent survivors following the Wenchuan earthquake in China: a cohort study. Soc Psychiatr Psychiatr Epidemiol, 01/2014 (SSCI, 5 years IF=3.08)  DOI:10.1007/s00127-014-0821-4




Geng FL,Fan F*, Yang Y.Y, Liu X.C,Mo L Sleep Problems among Adolescent Survivors Following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in China: A Cohort Study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry,2013,74(1):67-76  (SSCI/SCI, 5 years  IF=5.64)

Wumei Liu,Fang Fan*, Jianghong Liu.Depressive Symptoms in Bereaved Parents in the 2008 Wenchuan, China Earthquake: A Cohort Study. Journal of Traumatic Stress,2013,26(2):274-279(SSCI, 5 years  IF=3.30)

Yuhong ZHENG,Fang FAN*,  Xianchen LIU , Lei MO.Life Events, Coping, and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Chinese Adolescents Exposed to 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China, PloS ONE.2012,7(1) e29404 (SCI, IF=4.1)

Su YE, Wang H, Geng YG, Sun L, Du YS,Fan F,Su LY.Parent Ratings of ADHD Symptoms in Chinese Urban Schoolchildren: Assessment With the Chinese ADHD Rating Scale-IV: Home Version.J Atten Disord. 2012 Nov 9. (SSCI/SCI, IF=2.45)

Fang Fan*,Ying Zhang,Yanyun Yang, Lei Mo. Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorders, Depression, and Anxiety Symptoms among Adolescents following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in China, Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2011,24(1),44-53 (SSCI, 5 years IF=3.30)

Fang Fan*. A longitudinal study and service following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, University of Southern California Global Conference, Hongkong, (Keynote)2011.10

Jianghong Liu; Libo Li;Fang Fan. (2011). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Parental Bonding Instrument.. International journal of nursing studies, ,48 (5):582-589. (SCI/ SSCI, IF=2.3)

Fan F, Su LY, Birmaher B, Gill M. Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Chinese Left-behind Children. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology. 2010,45(5), 655-664 (SSCI/SCI, 5 years IF=3.08)

Su, L.Y., Wang, K.,Fan, F., Su, Y., & Gao, X.. (2008). Reliability and validity of the screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders (SCARED) in Chinese children. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22, 612–621. (SCI/ SSCI, IF=2.96)


张岚,范方*,耿富磊.(2013) 震后18个月都江堰地区青少年负性生活事件、父母教养方式与焦虑情绪的关系.心理科学, 2013,36(2)395-401

孙仕秀,关影红,覃滟云,张露,范方*.(2013).青少年社会支持与情绪行为问题的关系:心理弹性的中介与调节作用.中国临床心理学杂志,, 21(1), 114–118.]

柳武妹,范方*,周翠玲,梅雯. (2012).地震重灾区丧失子女者的创伤后应激症状2年随访.中国心理卫生杂志,26(4),252–256.]

[孙仕秀,范方*,郑裕鸿,朱清,陈世键,张露,覃滟云. (2012).青少年创伤后应激障碍症状与父母教养方式的关系:心理弹性的中介作用.中国临床心理学杂志,, 20(4), 502–509.]

[朱清,范方*,郑裕鸿,孙仕秀,张露,田卫卫. (2012).心理弹性在负性生活事件和抑郁症状之间的中介和调节:以汶川地震后的青少年为例.中国临床心理学杂志,, 20(4), 514–517.]

[耿富磊,范方*,张岚. (2012).汶川地震后18个月都江堰地区青少年睡眠问题共患PTSD、抑郁、焦虑状况.中国临床心理学杂志,, 20(2), 172–175.]

范方*,耿富磊,张岚,朱清. 负性生活事件、社会支持和创伤后应激障碍症状:对汶川地震后青少年的追踪研究.心理学报,2011, 43(12):1398-1407

郑裕鸿,范方*,俞承甫,罗廷琛.青少年感恩与创伤后应激障碍的关系:社会支持和心理弹性的中介作用.心理发展与教育. 2011,21(5):536-542

柳武妹,范方*,郑裕鸿,崔苗苗.震后6个月都江堰地区青少年创伤后应激症状及相关因素. 中国心理卫生杂志. 2010,21(9):647-651

张岚,范方*,耿富磊. 震后 12 个月都江堰地区青少年焦虑性情绪变化及影响因素的追踪研究.中国临床心理学杂志. 2011,19(3):360-366

范方*,柳武妹,郑裕鸿,崔苗苗。震后6个月都江堰地区青少年心理问题及其影响因素,中国临床心理学杂志. 2010,18(1):55-59

范方*,柳武妹,震后6个月都江堰地区青少年焦虑、抑郁症状及其影响因素,华南师范大学学报. 2009(6):45-49

陶炯,范方*,杨肖嫦,郑裕鸿. 地震后6个月灾区创伤后应激障碍中学生伴发焦虑及抑郁分析,中华行为医学与脑科学杂志. 2009,18 (11),990-993

范方*,桑标. 亲子教育缺失与留守儿童人格、学绩及行为问题, 心理科学. 2005,28(4):855-859

范方,苏林雁,耿耀国,王洪. 注意缺陷多动障碍诊断量表父母版构想效度验证性因素分析. 中国临床心理学杂志. 2006,14(6):572-575

范方,苏林雁,曹枫林,高雪屏,黄山,王玉风. 中学生互联网过度使用倾向与情绪和行为困扰、家庭功能的关系,中国心理卫生杂志. 2006, 20(10):635-638

范方,苏林雁,金宇.中国城市儿童焦虑的结构及性别与年龄特点——兼议儿童焦虑情绪障碍筛查表的结构效度,中国心理卫生杂志,2008,22 (4):241-245


Selected Publications in Chinese(* Correspondence Author)

SUN Shi-xiu,GUAN Ying-hong,QIN Yan-yun,ZHANG Lu,FAN Fang*.(2013). Social Support and Emotional-Behavioral Problems: Resilience as a Mediator and Moderator.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,21(1), 114–118.

LIU Wu-Mei,FAN Fang*,ZHOU Cui-Ling,MEI Wen.(2012). Post-traumatic stress symptoms among bereaved parents in severely damaged earthquake area:A 2-year follow-up study.Chinese Mental Health Journal, 26(4),252–256.

SUN Shi-xiu,FAN Fang*,ZHENG Yu-hong,ZHU Qing,et al.(2012). Mediating Effect of Resilience Between Parenting Styles and PTSD Symptoms in Adolescents.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,20(4), 502–509.

ZHU Qing,FAN Fang*,ZHENG Yu-hong,SUN Shi-xiu,et al.(2012). Moderating and Mediating Effects of Resilience Between Negative Life Events and Depression Symptoms of Adolescents Following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in China.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 20(4), 514–517.

GENG Fu-lei,FAN Fang*,ZHANG Lan.(2012). Poor Sleep Quality Associated with PTSD,Anxiety and Depression Among Adolescents Exposed to 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake,China.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,20(2), 172–175.

FAN Fang*; GENG Fu-Lei; ZHANG Lan; ZHU Qing .(2011). Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Negative Life Events and Social Supports:A Longitudinal Study of Survival Adolescents following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake.Acta Psychologica Sinica , 43(12), 1398?1407.

ZHENG Yu-hong,FAN Fang*, YU Cheng-fu,LUO Ting-chen .(2011). Relationship Between Gratitude and Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Among Adolescents:Mediation of Social Support and Resilience.Psychological Development and Education, 5, 522–528.

Zheng Yuhong,Liu Wumei,Cui Miaomiao,Fan Fang.(2011). Study on Symptoms and Correlates of Anxiety Disorder among Adolescents after Earthquake.China Journal of Health Psychology, 19(5),573–576.

ZHANG Lan,FAN Fang*,GENG Fu-lei.(2011). Changes of Anxiety and Related Emotional Disorders and Correlates among Adolescents 12 Months After Exposed to Wenchuan Earthquake.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 19(3), 360–366.

LIU Wu-Mei,FAN Fang*,ZHENG Yu-Hong,CUI Miao-Miao.(2010). Postramatic stress symptoms and related factors among adolescents in Dujiangyan district 6 months after the earthquake.Chinese Mental Health Journal, 24(9),647–651.

FAN Fang*, LIU Wu-mei, ZHENG Yu-hong, CUI Miao-miao.(2010). Mental Health Problems and Correlates among Adolescents 6 Months after Exposed to the Wenchuan Earthquake.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,18(1),56–59.

FAN Fang*,LIU Wu-mei .(2009). Influencing Factors of Anxiety and Depression Symptoms among Adolescents in Dujiangyan District 6 Months Following the Earthquake.Journal of South China Normal University(Social Science Edition), 6, 45–49.

FAN Fang,SU Lin-Yan,SU Yi,et al .(2008). Anxiety Structure by Gender and Age Groups in a Chinese Children Sample of 12 Cities.Chinese Mental Health Journal,22(4), 241-246.

JIN Yu,SU Lin-yan,ZOU Xiao-bing,FAN Fang,et al .(2008). Analysis of Intelligence Structure of Children of Different ADHD Subtypes.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,16(3), 297–299.

FAN Fang,SU Lin-yan,CAO Feng-lin,JIN Yu,et al .(2008). Development and Psychometric Analysis of Internet Addiction Predict Test for Adolescents.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,, 16(1),1–4.

范方.《留守儿童家庭教育策略》,中南大学出版社2008.1出版. 2009-2011年连续入选“国家农家书屋重点图书”,已重印19次,现已发行27万余册

  1. 青少年心理创伤发生机制与创伤修复研究,教育部人文社科重点基地重大研究项目,16JJD190001,主持,100万元,2016.11.3-2020.12.31

  2. 倒班睡眠障碍与倒班耐受性及其环境与遗传交互作用机制的前瞻性研究,国家自然科学基金,31671165,主持,2016-2018

  3. 创伤后应激障碍的家系、表观遗传及神经影像研究,国家自然科学基金,31271096,主持, 2013-2016

  4. 心理弹性的生理心理机制及心理弹性发展的追踪研究,国家自然科学基金,31070920,主持, 2011-2013

  5. 儿童心理弹性的生物学、社会心理因素及促进心理弹性发展的队列研究,国家自然科学基金,30950024,主持,2010-2012

  6. 公务员心理素质测查与分析研究,广东省委宣传部“理论粤军”重点项目,主持,2014-2016

  7. 心理创伤修复研究,广东省珠江学者人才计划,主持,2016-2020

  8. 军人心理健康提升工程,重大委托专项,支持,2016-2017

  9. 处境不利儿童心理韧性发展的实证研究,教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金,09XJAXLX008,主持,2010-2012

  10. 大学生心理韧性发展研究,广东省哲学社会科学规划重点项目,09SXLZ001,主持,2010-2012

  11. 促进农村留守儿童心理健康发展的理论和实践,湖南省“十一五规划”重点科研项目XJK06AXL004,主持,2006-2008

  12. 儿童心理行为问题干预模式研究,国家“十五”科技攻关项目,2004BA720A20,子项目负责,2005-2008

  13. 贫困大学生心理支持系统研究,福特基金项目,主持,2006-2007,已完成

  1. “汶川地震后青少年创伤后应激障碍症状的变化轨迹”获第五届全国教育科学研究优秀成果三等奖,教育部,2016

  2. “Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Chinese Left-behind Children”(留守儿童情绪与行为问题研究)获“广东省2010-2011年度哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖”,广东省人民政府,2013

  3. 《中学生互联网过度使用倾向与情绪和行为困扰、家庭功能的关系》获第六届中国科协优秀学术论文二等奖”,中国科学技术协会,2008

  4. “儿童青少年心理障碍评估工具的开发和推广应用”获“教育部高等学校科学技术奖科技进步奖”二等奖,中华人民共和国教育部,2008

  5. “儿童心理评估工具的开发与应用”获“中华医学科技进步奖三等奖”,中华人民共和国卫生部暨中华医学会,2009

  6. Mental health and correlates among adolescents exposed to 2008 Sichuan earthquake, China(系列研究)连续6年获SRA/SRCD国际青年学者基金, 研究生团队20人次赴美国和加拿大交流学习,2010-2016,

  7. Absence of Parental Upbringing and Left-behind Children’s Personality, Academic Achievements and Behavior Problems. 17th IACAPAP (Melbourne), Award of Outstanding Scientific report.. IACAPAP,2006


















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