
  • 姓名:杨莉
  • 学历:博士
  • 职称:
  • 职务:
  • 研究方向:突触和神经环路调控;神经退变性疾病;社会行为及情绪的脑机制及干预等。Research interest: synaptic transmission and neural circuits; neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer's Disease; neural mechanisms unerlying social behavioral and emotion
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱:yangli08@scnu.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址:365bet国际娱乐,广州市天河区中山大道西55号, 510631
  • 个人主页:

杨莉 博士: 心理学院教授、博士生导师

1985年新疆师范大学学士;1991年华东师范大学理学硕士;1995年华东师范大学理学博士。1996-1998华东师范大学脑功能研究室副教授。1998-2013间先后在日本关西医科大学、南伊利诺大学医学院药学系(Dept. Pharmacology, Southern Illinois Univ. Sch. Medicine)以及贝勒医学院老年学研究中心(Huffington Cen. on AgingBaylor College of Medicine)做访问学者、博士后和助理研究员。2010年迄今先后任华南师范大学生科院、心理学院教授。

于文军,江锦祥,杨莉* 心理痛与生理痛的共性、差异及交互作用。心理科学进展(2017,已修回)


1. Chen M, Wang JZ, Jiang JX, Zheng XZ, Justice NJ, Wang K, Ran XQ, Li Y, Huo QW, Zhang JJ, Li HM, Lu NN, Wang Y, Zheng H, Long C, Yang L*. (2007)APP modulates KCC2 expression and function in hippocampal GABAergic inhibition. eLIFE, (2017.1.5 online). SCI,IF=8.303).


生物通报道:华南师范大学在国际学术期刊《eLife》发表研究新成果 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4bduw4s9Xy5SvcDKY-gAxQ;生物通编辑推荐:华南师范大学在国际学术期刊《eLife》发表神经学研究成果 http://www.ebiotrade.com/newsf/2017-1/201716110509551.htm;生物帮报道:http://www.bio1000.com/gnjz/neuroscience/506730.html?from=singlemessage;华南师范大学新闻网报道 http://news.scnu.edu.cn/?p=12664,心理学院报道 http://www.fxetest.com/a/20170116/1222.html 

2. Huo Q?, Chen M?, He Q, Zhang J, Li B, Jin K, Chen X, Long C*, Yang L*. (2016)Prefrontal Cortical GABAergic Dysfunction Contributes to Aberrant UP-State Duration in APP Knockout Mice. Cerebral Cortex. 2016 Aug 23. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI,IF=8.285

点击下载全文 http://m.cercor.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2016/08/23/cercor.bhw218.full.pdf?keytype=ref&ijkey=I5xyHL5zQzCznVj?view=full.pdf&uritype=cgi&ijkey=I5xyHL5zQzCznVj&keytype=ref

3. Cai ZL?, Zhang JJ?, Chen M, Wang JZ, Xiao P, Yang L*, Long C*. (2016) Both pre- and post-synaptic alterations contribute to aberrant cholinergic transmission in superior cervical ganglia of APP-/- mice. Neuropharmacology. 110 (Pt A): 493-502.(SCI,IF=4.936

点击下载全文 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0028390816303562 

4. . Zhang J?, Chen M?, Li B, Lv BH, Jin K, Zheng SD, Yang L*,Long C*. (2016) Altered striatal rhythmic activity in cylindromatosis knock-out mice due to enhanced GABAergic inhibition. Neuropharmacology. 100(Pt A): 260-267.(SCI,IF=4.936

点击下载全文 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002839081630274X

5. Lian H, Yang L, Cole A, Sun L, Chang A, Fowler S, Shim DJ, Rodriguez-Rivera J, Taglialatela G, Jankowsky JL, Lu HC, Zheng H. (2015) NFκB-activated astroglial release of complement C3 compromises neuronal morphology and function associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Neuron. 85(1): 101-15. (SCI,5 year IF=15.985

6. Wang B, Wang Z, Sun L, Yang L, Li H, Cole AL, Rodriguez-Rivera J, Lu HC, Zheng H. (2014) The Amyloid Precursor Protein Controls Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis through GABAergic Interneurons. J Neurosci. 34(40):13314-25. (SCI, 5 Year IF=6.908)

7. Polito VA, Li H, Martini-Stoica H, Wang B, Yang L, Xu Y, Swartzlander DB, Palmieri M, di Ronza A, Lee VM, Sardiello M, Ballabio A, Zheng H. (2014) Selective clearance of aberrant tau proteins and rescue of neurotoxicity by transcription factor EB. EMBO Mol Med. 6(9):1142-60. (SCI, IF=8.245)

8. Wang Z, Yang L*, Zheng H*. (2012)APP, A-beta and synaptic physiology. Current Alzheimer Research. 9: 217-226 (*corresponding authorship). (SCI, 5 Year IF=4.337)

9. Matrone C Luvisetto S, La Rosa LR, Tamayev R, Pignataro A, Canu N, Yang L, Barbagallo AP, Biund F, Lombino F, Zheng H, Ammassari-Teule M, D‘Adamio L. (2012) Tyr682 in the Aβ-precursor protein intracellular domain regulates synaptic connectivity, cholinergic function, and cognitive performanc. Aging Cell. 11(6): 1084-93. (SCI, 5 Year IF=7.119)

10. Shim DJ, Yang L, Reed JG, Noebels JL, Chiao PJ, Zheng H. (2011) Disruption of the NF-kB/IkBα autoinhibitory loop improves cognitive performance and promotes hyperexcitability of hippocampal neurons. Mol Neurodegener. 6: 42-53. (SCI, 5 Year IF=4.007)

11. Peethumnongsin E, Yang L, Kallhoff-Munoz V, Hu L, Takashima A, Pautler RG, Zheng H. (2010) Convergence of presenilin- and tau-mediated pathways on axonal trafficking and neuronal function. J Neurosci 30: 13409-13418. (SCI, 5 Year IF=6.908)

12. Yang L*, Wang Z, Wang B, Justic N, Zheng H*. (2009) Amyloid precursor protein regulates Cav1.2 L-type calcium channel levels and function to influence GABAergic short-term plasticity. J Neurosci. 29: 15660-15668 (*corresponding authorship) (本文被Faculty of One Thousand Biology收录,并被Alzheimer Research Forum点评). (SCI, 5 Year IF=6.908)

13. Shelton CC, Zhu L, Chau D, Yang L, Wang R, Djaballah H, Zheng H, Li YM. (2009) Modulation of g-secretae specificity using small molecule allosteric inhibitors. Proc Natl Aca Sci (PNAS). 106: 20228-20233. (SCI, 5 Year IF=9.737)

14. Wang Z, Wang B, Yang L Guo Q, Aithmitti N, Songyang Z, Zheng H. (2009)Presynaptic and postsynaptic interaction of the amyloid precursor protein promotes peripheral and central synaptogenesis. J Neurosci. 29: 10788-10801. (SCI, 5 Year IF=6.908)

15. Wang B, Yang L, Wang Z, Zheng H. (2007)Amyolid precursor protein mediates presynaptic localization and activity of the high-affinity choline transporter. Proc Natl Acad Sci (PNAS) 104: 14140-14145. (SCI, 5 Year IF=9.737)

16. Yang L, Wang B, Long C, Wu G, Zheng H. (2007)Increased asynchronous release and aberrant calcium channel activation in amyloid precursor protein deficient neuromuscular synapses. Neuroscience. 149: 768-778. (SCI, 5 Year IF=3.389)

17. Feng HJ, Yang L, Faingold CL. (2007)Role of the amygdala in ethanol withdrawal seizures. Brain Res. 1141: 65-73.

18. Long C, Yang L, Evans MS Faingold CL. (2007)Increased excitatory activities in periaqueductal gray neurons of rats undergoing ethanol withdrawal. Neuropharmacol. 52: 802-811. (SCI, 5 Year IF=4.717)

19.Evans MS, Cady CJ, Disney KE, Yang L, LaGuardia JJ. (2006)     Three brief epileptic seizures reduce inhibitory synaptic currents, GABAA currents, and GABAA receptor subunits. Epilepsia 47:1655-64. (SCI, IF=4.584)

20. Yang L, Long C, Randall M, Faingold CL. (2003)Neurons in the periaqueductal gray is critically involved in the neuronal network for audiogenic seizures during ethanol withdrawal. Neuropharmacol. 44: 275-281. (SCI, 5 Year IF=4.717)

21. Yang L, Long C, Evans MS, Faingold CL. (2002)Ethanol withdrawal results in aberrant membrane properties and synaptic responses in periaqueductal gray neurons associated with seizure susceptibility. Brain Res. 957: 99-108. (SCI, IF=2.828)

22. Yang L, Long C, Faingold CL. (2001)The deep layers of superior colliculus neurons are requisite component of the neurons network for seizures during ethanol withdrawal. Brain Res. 920: 134-141. (SCI, IF=2.828)

23. Yang L, Long C, Faingold CL. (2001)Audiogenic seizure susceptibility is induced by termination of continuous infusion of GABA or an NMDA antagonist into the inferior colliculus. Exp. Neurol. 171: 147-152 . (SCI, 5 year IF=4.478)

主译了John Pinel的Biopsychology,ninth edition)

  • 广州市科创委项目(2016.4-2019.3,项目编号201607010320):AD小鼠前额叶-纹状体环路及其与高级认知行为异常的相关性研究

  • 广东省自然科学基金项目 (2015.1-2018.1,项目编号2014A030313418):GABAbR作为治疗阿茨海默症潜在靶点的细胞及分子机理

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2012.1-2015.12,项目编号31171018): KCC2 介导β-淀粉样蛋白及其前体 APP 调控γ-氨基丁酸突触功能的分子机理 

  • 广东省科技创新项目(2014.1-2015.12,项目编号2013KJCX0054):钾通道和老年痴呆发病相关性的研究

  • 广东省研究生示范课程项目(2013.1-2014.12,项目编号:12SFKC09)):膜片钳技术

1. Jin Zhao WANG, Cheng LONG., Li YANG*, APP deficiency leads to enhanced hippocampal Kv1.4 protein expression and A-type potassium current in mice. 中国神经科学学会第十届全国学术会议, 北京,2013.0919-22(墙报交流).

2. Qing Wei HUO, Quan Sheng HE, Cheng LONG, Li YANG*, APP Regulates Up State in Medial Prefrontal Cortex. 中国神经科学学会第十届全国学术会议, 北京,2013.0919-22(墙报交流).

3. Zhao Lin CAI, Li YANG, Quan Sheng HE, Li DENG, Peng XIAO, Cheng LONG, Alterdcholinergic synaptic transmission of superior cervical ganglia in APP mice. 中国神经科学学会第十届全国学术会议, 北京,2013.0919-22 (墙报交流).

4. YANG, L.*, Neuronal intrinsic and synaptic function of APP: implications for pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. 中国神经科学学会第十届全国学术会议, 北京,2013.0919-22(增补为The Biomarker and Its Implication in Early Diagnosis of AD 分会口头报告).

考研并取得面试机会的心理学或是生物学背景的同学,如果你符合下列条件中的任何一点,欢迎加入我的研究团队!1-有兴趣探讨应激、抑郁、社会行为及自闭症的脑机制及其干预方法; 2-有兴趣揭示神经退变性疾病(例如阿茨海默症)的脑机制及其修复; 3-有兴趣从分子、神经元、突触及环路等微观或是系统和行为等宏观水平探索脑科学前沿问题。

